Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hillary Clinton Refuses to Acknowledge Defeat

I know many people don't want to read about politics on a hip hop site, but come on people open your minds.  With everything going on around the world it is time for us all to step up and get involved.  And this is my I am going to take this spot to talk about the always intriguing Democratic Presidential Race.  With Obama recently announcing his victory Hillary Clinton has yet to withdraw from the race.  It has been speculated that whoever you support this is ultimately hurting the democratic party, but I say is it? How does the old saying go, there is no such thing as bad publicity? While McCain is in the clear with the Republican nomination he is receiving almost zero attention on the national stage.  Every discussion or blog is about Obama vs. Hillary, and I believe that the constant discussion is only helping Barack get his issues out and will help to sway a few votes in his direction come November.  Lets be honest here, both candidates have 5 more months to belittle each other, raise more money and try to convince us that they are what is good for this country.  Barack will be the republican candidate whether it is official tomorrow or next week, it will be soon enough and for the next 5 months we will bombarded with every form of personal attacks.  So I hope that we the people will elect a candidate based on what they stand for.  If you want change you have to stand up for it.  ~One Love

Hatred Paralyzes Life, Love Illuminates It - Martin Luther King Jr.

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